New Design, New Images
Been working on the new site design while battling a nasty cold that I picked up over the weekend. Koken, the CMS that I migrated Tundra Graphics to, is pretty great once you get it to play nice with your service provider's CPU and memory quotas. Perhaps a short white paper on some of the technical issues that I ran into and the overall rationale behind the move would be worth the effort. We'll see.
In the interim, a few of the newly uploaded images are featured as a slideshow on the homepage. For better looks at these images, find them in their specific albums. Feel free to poke around the site and let me know if you run into any problems or have any thoughts. I've installed Disqus, so bang away there if you like. I've allowed guest logins which are pretty painless.
The new architecture is particularly high res screen friendly, so hardware that offer HiDPI/Retina screens, which include the iPhone 4+, iPad 2+, MacBook Pro and more should fire up quality versions of these images.